Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Joy of the Unexpected (Rare Arizona Dinosaur...)

I was walking downtown Prescott hoping for a moment to capture on film. Unfortunately nothing unusual was happening. After a few minutes I came across a band playing guitar and singing. The songs were good but there was nothing there for my lens.

As I was leaving, I decided to just take one frame of the guitars and the crowd surrounding the singers. At that very moment a dinosaur walked into the frame! Really, a 10 foot dino just walked by as if it was its usual path!

I could not tell if it was the kid of the woman in that attire or her husband. But I thought it was exactly why a street photographer has to be ready to click, even when you do not know what you are pressing the shutter for!!!

… And I thought I was the only dinosaur with my film camera!

October 3, 2017

©Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017

Sunday, October 1, 2017

New Blog

I wanted to let my visitors know that I started a new blog where I will be displaying some of my experimentations with painting and other modes of visual expressions. I am eager to hear comments!!

The blog can be seen at this link: https://vaheark.blogspot.com

October 1, 2017

©Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2017