Friday, August 26, 2016

Saint Anne de Bellevue, Québec, Canada

On a recent trip to Montréal, Canada had the opportunity to visit a small town away from the city. It was a rainy day and walking around was not an option. Still, Saint Anne de Bellevue had a few moments for my camera to capture from the covered patio of a restaurant.

The boardwalk was deserted given the heavy rain. Yet the two trash bags seemed to get ready to take a seat on the outdoor chairs perfectly positioned to watch boats going by.

The waitress was pleasant and happy to have customers in the afternoon. And I wanted to capture her braided hair with my 105mm Nikkor lens wide open to 2.5. The result was a perfect tonal range I still find as the central attraction of B&W photography.

This man was the only one walking the boardwalk. His debonair attitude and attire gave a harmony to the incessantly falling rain.

Finally, a moment of respite and the promise of sunshine. A few folks walked the street which was the only main artery in this small town. I noticed this woman with extensive butterfly tattoos on her left arm and wanted to let her blend with the environment before I click. Here is the composed photo.

And to show how well the butterflies blended with the brouhaha of the casual clothing store, here is the enlarged portion. The timing of depressing the camera shutter release was perfectly synchronized with her walking pace.

August 26, 2016
© Vahé A. Kazandjian, 2016

1 comment:

  1. come on! its a WOmen walking the boardwalk.
    and agree about harmony, but its umbrella - funny to keep in the rain the curved handle and tickle your mouth when murmur the word surrounded by falling water ..
